When we talk about nutrition, we’re often talking about food. We talk about meal plans, diets, food
groups, and more. But delve a little deeper, and nutrition is really about your levels of macronutrients
and micronutrients. Think vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other key nutritional components.
Contrary to popular belief, your mouth isn’t the only way we can administer nutritional therapy. In fact,
the most direct route is using IV therapy. Whereby we directly infuse medicines, vitamins, electrolytes,
amino acids, and anything else your body is in dire need of.
What is IV nutritional therapy?
In short – IV nutritional therapy (also known as IV therapy or IV drips) is a method of injecting nutritional
fluids directly into the bloodstream. Because we bypass your digestive system, we can ensure you
receive a full dosage of critical nutrients in a safe, effective, and restorative manner. Increasingly, IV
therapy (or IV drips) is a popular way to fix nutrient deficiencies, particularly vitamin deficiencies. But we
can also inject other blends of nutrients: the Myers Cocktail, for example, is the “Gold Standard” for
delivering nutrients and minerals into your bloodstream.
Behind IV nutritional therapy, patients indicate reduced fatigue, increased metabolism, greater
rehydration, and boosted vitality.
Celebrities such as Chrissy Teigen and Ariana Grande have cited IV therapy as key to their health. Even
Adele reportedly receives an IV drip to support her vocal cords. Other celebrities praising the trend
include Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Cindy Crawford, John Legend, and Simon Cowell.
Why You Need to Try IV Therapy
There’s an obvious benefit of IV therapy: we know exactly what’s going into your bloodstream. When we
administer vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients via the digestive tract, the amount absorbed can
depend on your diet, gut health, and even the time of day. It’s estimated just 50% of traditional oral
supplements are ever absorbed.
That’s not the case with IV nutritional therapy.
Here, we meticulously measure out the components of the various IV drips, injecting the precise
quantities directly into your system. We know what you’re receiving. And we know you’re receiving it.
Vitamin deficiencies are extremely prevalent. In fact, according to the CDC, up to one in ten Americans
had a nutritional deficiency of some kind. The most common are vitamin B6, iron, and vitamin D. It’s
therefore critical to receive nutritional support in the form IV drips.
What IV drip should you try?
We’ve created a collection of IV drips optimized for different outcomes and treatments at Rain IV
Therapy. Brainstorm, for instance, contains folic acid, B-12, L-Taurine, and Alpha-Lipoic acid to improve
your memory and overall cognitive function. Flood My Immunity, on the other hand, is rich in Bcomplex, Vitamin C, and Zinc – known to be critical to immune system functioning.
What you choose will depend wholly on your wishes. Do you need an immune booster? Rehydration? Or
something to give you a little extra glow?
Our range of IV drip therapies contains the essential micronutrients you need to maximize your health.
With thousands of people – including top celebrities – praising the incredible benefits, which will you try